Saturday, April 7, 2012

Tomorrow's Easter!

"I'll stand, with hands high and heart abandoned, in awe of the One Who gave it all...I'll stand, my soul, Lord, to You surrender...All I am is Yours!!"

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Exciting News

Steven got into the Air Force Academy today! His congressman called to say that he has an appointment. I'm so proud of him!! He's worked so hard and has been waiting for months. So at the end of June, he'll move to Colorado for 4 years!

The Lord has really worked in this...especially the timing! He is so good.

Yay for Colorado. :)

And praise God for Steven's faithfulness to him throughout this hard process!!

Friday, March 9, 2012


A dear, dear friend texted this to me: Ephesians 1:16-19. It says,
I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers, 17 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him, 18  having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, 19 and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe...
Wow. This was especially sent at a good time, because, I have been constantly reminding myself to remain joyful in Christ. I have hope. And, I know that hope. 

Praise the Lord for the hope that we have in Jesus. His power is immeasurable and great. His greatness is powerful and immeasurable.

I'll post some pictures of my trip to Uganda and Kenya when I have a little chunk of time. :)

Happy evening. :)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Just a conversation with Mom...

We were driving home from La Plata, Maryland, heading back from my A&P classes. As usual, we were listening to worship music, pumped up high. One song we both love is I Am Free by Desperation Band (or, more popularly known by the Newsboys). Near the end of the song, Mom asked me to pause the music. She said, "Rachel, you are free. You are more free than you realize. You're free in every and any way possible." I'm free physically, mentally, spiritually, financially, emotionally, and on and on. I haven't been trafficked. I haven't had to bear the burden of divorce or death of a loved one. I don't fear for my life whenever I read my Bible. When Mom said this to me, something really clicked in my mind and heart: I'm free. Why? So I can advocate for those who aren't.

Trafficking is a topic heavy on my heart. Especially lately. It's so huge. So many people are enslaved every day, whether it be physical labor or the sex trade. So many, so young. It's really unbelievable. And, I'm amazed at how the issue has really surfaced in the church. Passion 2012-the heartbeat was trafficking awareness. Nefarious-a movie documentary series just beginning to come out on trafficking. Mainstream movies-Taken, Trade, Human Trafficking (2005). This issue is literally popping up in front of me everywhere.

I don't really know where to go from here. But I do know that my God is mighty, and He WILL prevail. I have a few ideas stirring in my head, so we'll see where those lead. :-) I encourage you to pray for these people in bondage.

Galations 5:1 says, "For freedom Christ has set us free..." Why has he set us free? For freedom. We are free. What a gift. I want others to know that gift too.

He is good, and He will win.